Thursday, 7 April 2011

Something for those 'Yes to AV'ers'

Note the image. One of the great claims by those in favour of AV is that the winner gets above 50% of the vote. Well, as the BBC's FiveLive radio program showed the other day, this is NOT always the case.
Because everyone is not obliged to have a 4th, 5th or 6th preference vote, situations like the above arise where no party gets above 50% in AV, and s party who gets just 16.9% of first preference votes (the Greens) have miraculously ended up a close second! much for democracy

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

North East Campaign Day

North East Campaign Day, Good Friday 22nd April.

11:30pm at Newcastle Train Station, hope to see you there!

Friday, 11 March 2011

Upcoming Campaign Dates in NE

 We will be campaigning with local associations, councillors, mp's and volunteers right across the North-East in April, on the following dates:

Sunderland: 20th April - Meet at North Shield Metro Station at 11.30am
North Tyneside: 21st April - Meet at Sunderland Station at 11.30am
Newcastle: 22nd April - Meet at Newcastle Central Station at ...11.30am
Darlington: 23rd April - Meet at Darlington Station at 11.30 am

If you want to get involved, just get in touch!

Spinmeister Drops Into Hexham

For anyone interested, Alistair Campbell is speaking at Hexham Queens Hall on

-MAY 7th
-@ 8pm

...Should be interesting, discussing 'candidly about what life is like at the eye of the political storm'.

Tickets are about a tenner and can be bought from the queens hall website or calling the box office on 01434652477.

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Big Society Summit 2011

This friday, The CF and Guy's group of young volunteer interns will host Hexham's first Big Society Summit. With weeks of preparation in the making, the summit hopes to provide a platform where organisations (both private and public) can showcase their big society project(s) and inspire others in the process.

Its sure to be a great day and there'll be plenty of pics to follow.

Wish us luck!

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Why AV is wrong

A classic clip from 'Auf Wiedersehen, Pet' presenting possibly the most concise argument against AV I have seen yet, here.

As dennis says...'Everybody gets what nobody wants'

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

EMA Debate

A former receiver of EMA outlines why she thinks it should be reformed here

Friday, 21 January 2011

Student Politics

Great new blog by Guy regarding our visit to Ponteland High this morning here.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Upcoming campaign daye in NE

These are the prospective campaign days all accross the North East, if you want to get involved or have any queries, just get in touch.
29th January
11th February
5th March
11th March
7th April
8th April
9th April
11th April
12th April

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Hexham Campaign in Oldham and Saddleworth

First of all, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone.
It's going to be an exciting one and one of the first priorities of 2011 is to campaign for the upcoming by-election.

That is why tomorrow Guy Opperman MP, Hexham CF and Guy's volunteers will be heading 'south' to help Kashif Ali in his campaign to turn the three-way marginal into a Conservative victory. It will be very tight so every bit of help is needed and Hexham is doing its bit for the national interest.

I'm sure it'll be a great day and we'll all be doing a sun dance tonight.

Pictures to follow...